Etched Spessartine Garnet on Quartz
Etched Spessartine Garnet on Quartz
Etched Spessartine Garnet on Quartz
Meanings & Uses:
Spessartine Garnet
Known as the Garnet of the Sun, Spessartine is one of the lesser-known and rarer varieties of Garnet. Its energizing warmth radiates in shades of dark gold, orange, scarlet and deep red. Crystals can be pale yellow if nearly pure, but are almost always mixed with Almandine Garnet. Spessartine Garnet, which includes Spessartite and Imperial Garnet, takes its name from the Spessart district of Bavaria, and is a magnesium aluminum silicate.
This gem is absolutely magnetic – it activates kundalini energy and provides a resurgence of vitality in all areas of your life. Spessartite garnet is an attraction stone that ignites dormant passion, boosting your energy, and reminding you that you are divinely alive! Whether you’re looking to animate your next project or a close relationship, this gem heightens creativity and charisma, radiating enthusiastic vibrations. It also detoxifies the body and is grounding and protective. Allow the fiery energy of this gem to fill you with its potent energy.
Spessartite garnet activates the Sacral Chakra, your energy center of pleasure, passion, vitality, and desire, and helps to release energy blockages. As the origin of everything you create, it supports self-respect, personal expression, and greater intimacy in relationships, including sexual intimacy. Spessartite garnet enhances endurance, charisma, and sexual stamina. It also enables the awakening of kundalini energy. Kundalini is the primal energy that lies coiled at the base of the spine and it’s a GREAT force. It’s the energy of transformative sexual awakening, spiritual enlightenment, and new states of consciousness.
Quartz is the most common and abundant mineral on Earth. It is found in all types of rock but is most often seen in granite and other igneous rocks. It is also very popular in crystal healing, removing negative energy so that you can move forward in a positive light.
Quartz crystal is a power stone that's prized as a healing stone. It is known as the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition. It has been called the "Universal Crystal" because of its many uses and is beneficial for manifesting, healing, meditation, protection and channeling.
Quartz enhances spiritual growth, spirituality and wisdom. Because it clarifies thought processes and emotions, it can increase inspiration and creativity. It can also help with concentration, studying and retaining what one learns.
About 1 1/2"
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While crystals and minerals have been used throughout time to heal medical and emotional ailments, the information here is not to be taken as medical advice. Additionally, be mindful and take deep consideration of the advice of medical professionals per their diagnoses. Crystal and mineral healing should only be seen as supplemental.