Green Sphene on Matrix
Green Sphene on Matrix
Green Sphene on Matrix
Meanings & Uses:
Sphene, also known as Titanite, is a powerful stone of expansion that enhances and accelerates learning. Expand your horizons with Sphene as it will bring you the mental clarity, focus and drive to achieve your goals. Sphene helps you retain information and improves memorization as you are leaning new things. Its uplifting vibration enhances your life force energy and overall health. Sphene inspires hope and positivity with its enchanting fire glow that ignites the fire within you.
Sphene is said to be the stone of hope and courage, inspiring those who possess it to stand up for their beliefs despite fear and difficulty. Sphene has been used since ancient times as an aid in healing physical ailments, emotional trauma, and spiritual blockages.
Sphene aids with organization and is a powerful solar plexus chakra stone. It’s also deeply healing and helps with manifestation. Green titanite resonates with the energy of the Golden Ray, and wherever it goes, it brings tremendous light and strength. It helps you be decisive and own your power. Green titanite also activates the Third Eye Chakra. It awakens clairvoyant abilities, strengthens intuition, and is a powerful meditation tool.
About 3"
Skardu, Pakistan
Enchanting Earth
Truly Experiences
Sage Goddess
While crystals and minerals have been used throughout time to heal medical and emotional ailments, the information here is not to be taken as medical advice. Additionally, be mindful and take deep consideration of the advice of medical professionals per their diagnoses. Crystal and mineral healing should only be seen as supplemental.